Good day, I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and demand it necessary to write you immediately. I have something very vital to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on( for the full details.
Hi Luther, thank you for sending a friend request. I noticed that you're in Owings Mills, MD. I grew up in Baltimore and have family there. My show partner Arienne Battiste and I are gearing up for our performance this Thursday of "Lucky So and So," the Duke Ellington show that I wrote with Arienne's help. Hope you're well and are playing beautiful music somewhere this weekend. Angelo
Hey Angelo. Thank you for excepting my friend invite. Look forward to learning more about you. Hope all is well with you there in Cali. Enjoy the rest of your day.
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Good day,
I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and demand it necessary to write you immediately. I have something very vital to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on( for the full details.
Have a nice day.
Mrs.Abiola Bawuah.
Hey hope all is well Angelo. Enjoy your day. Peace.
Your Smooth Jazz Friend.
Luther B
Hi Luther, thank you for sending a friend request. I noticed that you're in Owings Mills, MD. I grew up in Baltimore and have family there. My show partner Arienne Battiste and I are gearing up for our performance this Thursday of "Lucky So and So," the Duke Ellington show that I wrote with Arienne's help. Hope you're well and are playing beautiful music somewhere this weekend. Angelo
Hey Angelo. Thank you for excepting my friend invite. Look forward to learning more about you. Hope all is well with you there in Cali. Enjoy the rest of your day.
Your Smooth Jazz Friend.
Luther B
Yay Angelo! Welcome!!!! xoxoxo Feel free to post things! -- Shar